support Athletes achieve success, not only during, but after their sporting
career, the International Olympic
Committee Athletes Commission, the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Adecco Group launched the IOC Athlete Career
Programme (IOC/ACP) which supports
athletes while they prepare for and go through their career transition.
alignment with Olympic Agenda 2010, The Gambia National Olympic Committee
(GNOC), the IOC athlete Career Prohramme in cooperation with Adecco group will
hold an IOC Athlete Career Outreach Programme (IOC/ACP) Workshop for Gambian
Athletes, for the first time in the country.
workshop, to be held on November 27, 2016 at Olympic House, will bring together
40 young athletes within 16-20 years from different sports associations to
develop their life skills and maximize their education and employment
The IOC/ACP trainer Mrs. Kadiatou
Kanoute Tounkara, former basketball player, Olympian, 5 time French
National champion, a member of the
Association of National Olympic
Committees of African (ANOCA)
Athletes’ Commission and an active trainer of the IOC ACP Outreach Programme,
has been identified to conduct the life-changing workshop for Gambian athletes.
to Mary Decker, GNOC Development Officer and coordinator of the programme, the
goals of the IOC/ACP outreach programme are to provide hands-on workshop to
athletes with focus on three pillars namely, Education, Life Skills and
IOC/ACP Outreach workshop brings in-person sessions delivered with a very
interactive and hands-on approach to assist athletes to achieve success, both
on and off the pitch. It is designed to support them at different stages of
their sports from young to retired,” GNOC development officer Mary Decker
the daylong workshop, Gambian athletes will learn how to balance Education and
would be noted that the Athlete Career Programme set up by the International
Olympic Committee and its partners is running in a hundred countries, and has
already trained more than 10,000 athletes.