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Gambia-Nigeria Relations Sustained by Successive Govt.'s

Jul 7, 2008, 7:24 AM

New Nigerian High Commissioner

The new Nigerian High Commissioner to The Gambia Mrs. Esther John Audu, has expressed her conviction that the long standing relationship between the Gambia and Nigeria has been sustained by successive governments.

This, according to her, has now been extended to the area of legal assistance, education and health sectors.

"It is heartening to note that Nigeria enjoys not only the support and co-operation of all members of the diplomatic corps here in the Gambia but also that of the government officials and a cross section of the Gambian society", she said.

Speaking on the occasion of her inaugural diplomatic reception on Friday at her residence, High Commissioner John Audu said the Gambia and Nigeria have maintained close socio-political, economic, military, bilateral and multilateral relationship that dates back to pre-independence.

"My principle responsibility here in the Gambia is to project the right image for Nigeria consistent with her size, status and importance on the African continent and in the world including the consolidation of Nigeria's leadership role and position in ECOWAS and indeed the AU.

"Promoting the welfare of Nigerian nationals and protecting their interests as well as rendering appropriate consular services to them. Upholding the dignity of Nigerians and ensuring that proper and fair treatment is meted to all Nigerians at all times. In this regard, the principle of reciprocity will be adhered to", she noted.

She further expressed her resolve to explore new areas of co-operation between the Gambia and Nigeria with a view to further strengthening the bilateral ties.

"Our Gambian brothers will continue to receive the support of our government, through technical aid assistance in the fields of education, health and judicial sectors. I will be fully for co-operation in any endeavour to improve the lot of our Gambian brothers, at all levels, especially at grassroots level, and will also learn from many of the already laudable achievements recorded here by my predecessor", she asserted.

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