The Gambega, the authorised bottler for the Coca Cola Company in The Gambia, in collaboration with Earth Live in the US recently held a walk event from Westfield to Senegambia junction.
The walk was part of their efforts to create awareness on the need to make potable water accessible to all. It was also meant to observe World Water Day, which was recently celebrated across the globe.
The Gambega led celebration in The Gambia brought together people from different walks of life, including the staff of the company. The participants happily walked for a distance of over six kilometres.
Speaking at the Westfield Junction before the departure, Mrs. Fatoumatta Ceesay of Gambega, explained that this event is celebrated worldwide, and noted that it is meant to raise awareness on the preservation of water so that it would not be scarce.
She concluded by expressing hope that the event will play an important part in raising awareness and changing peoples’ attitudes towards water usage.
For his part, Saja Sambou stated that such events can highlight the problem of water both locally and globally. Mr. Sambou advanced that water resources on the earth are limited and are drastically reducing day-by-day, due to the effects of global warming and the frequency of rain, which become unpredictable.
Sambou pointed out that in some parts of the world, there is rain throughout the year, while in other parts individuals suffer from the consequences of water shortage.
He further went on to say that in other parts of the world where rain water is available, major problems still prevail, because of the lack of proper system to clean water.
Mr. Sambou stated that the United Nations has predicted that by next two decades there will be 17% more demand of water, compared to the resource available. He noted that the unpleasant fact is that most people remain careless and do not recognise the importance of water conservation.
Mr. Sambou stated that according to the reports published by Global Environment Outlook 2005, by the year 2025, African countries will be subject to water scarcity or water stress, and that14 countries in Africa are facing water stress with those in Northern Africa facing the worst prospects.
Hon. Seedy Njie, a nominated member of the National Assembly told the gathering that water is life.
For him, without water there can be no live, adding that water should be affordable and accessible to all.
Njie noted that the government cannot do all, and thus calls for concerted efforts.