#Article (Archive)

Fraudster convicted

Apr 25, 2014, 10:22 AM | Article By: Malamin L.M. Conteh

One Ousman Njadoe was recently convicted and sentenced to a three-year mandatory jail term by the Bundung Magistrates’ Court, presided over by Principal Magistrate Ibrahim Kijera.

Njadoe, convicted for obtaining money by false pretence, was also ordered to pay a compensation of D293,000, in default to serve another three-year imprisonment.

Both sentences are to run consecutively.

Principal Magistrate Ibrahim Kijera, in delivering his judgment, read out the charge pressed against the accused and stated that the prosecution called three witnesses and tendered exhibits, while the accused opened his defence and testified as a lone witness.

The trial magistrate, after going through the evidence of both the prosecution and the defence, said he was convinced that the evidence led by the prosecution supported the charge against the accused and the evidence of the prosecution witnesses corroborated each other.

He added that the prosecutor had proven his case beyond all reasonable doubts, and therefore found the accused guilty as charged and sentenced him accordingly.

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