The Faith and Deliverance Ministry Church based at Bijilo were over the weekend able to talk on the topic, "The doubts about SpiritualChurch and its perfection," at their Church at Bijilo in a well attended seminar. Primate Desmond T. Conteh, Head and Founder of the Ministry directed the seminar with edifying thoughts and prayers on the topic. Clearing doubts about the most common misunderstandings about White Garment Churches or Spiritual Churches and defended their doctrine from the Bible's point of view, supported by valuable quotes from the Old and New testaments. Participants expressed their joy and understanding of the new insight into their spirituality. Christian Panorama was there as a living witness and has this account on the seminar.
Pastor Lucklyn Kpandeyengeh serving as the master of Ceremony said that the day was set aside to clear the doubts of people who believe that it was wrong to remove shoes, and the question about White Garment. "This day is full of blessings and prayed that all misconceptions would be washed away," he said. He further hailed Primate Desmond T. Conteh whose reputation in spirituality has gone far and wide, that he would give a split hair of what people have doubts about in their church and indeed so it went.
Primate Desmond gave the Bible quotation from 2nd Timothy 3:1-17 and said people think Spiritual Churches deal only with the Old Testament. He further quoted 1st Corinthians 14: 1- 40, saying it is the basis for Spiritual Churches. As Primate Desmond further looked into the Word of God, through Paul, relayed it to real life story giving gist as to how to start a Church and said, "Setting up a company or doing any big thing, one ought to have a plan before going ahead. That is the VISION. What amount of faith or belief do you have before setting up a Church? The MISSION: that is you have seen and you believe. Your PRIORITIES: one should get these right first things first. TIME: this is important put it in place. The METHOD or TECHNIQUE: Some people copy from others and it does not come from within but without. Remember everyone is different and patterns too, we can't all dress like the other. WHEN and WHERE to START? We must think big and start small from humble beginnings. What to start with who to start with not diplomats from the start. How disciplined are you to start? Some get into it even without training, and then get stock on the way," Primate Desmond said. He said they will take the log from their eyes first before another.
Considering the odds above, Primate Desmond said many White Garment Churches are fallen or disappearing because they do not know where they are coming from. "How they left you that's how they will meet you, no discipline. They lack self control and tragedy will befall them and will fail to succeed because they don't know their wits about them. God didn't call you may be you went to hire some demons to help you, forget it!" He said.
Doubt is a feeling of uncertainty or disbelief being undecided, he said. Demon he described as "Devil" also known as evil spirit or a cruel one and a forceful person. "Evils function in an invincible world known as spirit, they function in a supernatural known as occult. God has forbidden demonic functions. The body is divided into two parts flesh and soul. Leviticus 20: 27.
This Primate Desmond said brings to the MEDIUM; "There is a medium for spirit to function. (Luke 4:33-41) These medium are substances or things in which a new thing exists. In the Bible the evil one used others to suppress others, that was a medium. (Acts 16:16-18). They were men of God but used by demon. Paul rebuked the demon, the lady fell and the demon left her," he said.
"If you discover that your dreams are evil, God has gone out of you," he said. Primate Desmond said some men of God would demand black goat, sheep, black fowl or red cloth for sacrifice but Jesus had sacrificed Himself for all. He said all other Churches pray in the name of Jesus and the Church is one body. He does not think much about those who go to junctions, wash women, burn candles and go to rivers and to note that Jesus did not pray for anyone with a candle. "Jesus never did such," he said. He said a prophet is one who is chosen and set apart purposely to spread the Word of God. Or a person who predicts the future. People who go to these prophets end up in misery some go to them in secret to pray for them. Jesus preached the Word of God first before healing any body. (Matthew 4:23). And Mark 15: 16:18, He sent them into the world to preach the Good News. Matthew 10: 5-8 Jesus gave instructions to his disciples. "If you have the anointing of God in you, you rejoice at the success of others.")
Vices and Doubts
The following he said brings about the doubt: They confess Christ but have nothing in them. They preach Christ but act not upon the Word of God. Sing praises to God but no God in them. Worship by adoration but bow to the devil. Though they worship God but are influenced by the spirit. They worship God but are influenced by spirit. They prophesy but they speak the mindset of the devil. Though they do miracles but it's under the influence of spirit powers. They heal the sick but many are sick themselves, with witchcraft, under world and more. Some of these should remove the log in their own eyes. He further mentioned the things God hates. "If members go and back bite members, they are condemning their WhiteGarmentChurch. Spiteful thoughts about someone absent is wrong," he said.
He said spiritual Church is a perfect Church because it is established by the instruction of Jehovah. (2nd Timothy 2: 16 and 17.) That the grace received is to do good works not to be used to do wrong. Revelation. 22: 18-20 (No addition to the Bible) grace is inside the WhiteGarmentChurch.
Primate Desmond said no one goes to bed with shoes on thus the reason no one goes with shoes in their church cause it's a holy ground. He quoted Matthew 28 on why they White Garment, it is not a cloth but the glory of God. He said. He said Paul ordered women to cover their heads because prostitution was too much, so they cover theirs too. He said women in their monthly flow have a special place in their church until it ceases, that it was not discriminatory. He said no woman can have sexual contact during such periods and men too would not want it.
He said the WhiteGarmentChurch is a perfect Church. "I am doing all these not by imitation but by vision," he said. Matthew 7: 15.
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