Ministry of Health on Monday at a press conference declared that there is no
COVID-19 coronavirus case in The Gambia.
Njai, director of Health Promotion and Education at the Health Ministry said
that the country’s status remains unchanged about the deadly outbreak of
rubbished the rumour which suggested that there was a coronavirus case in the
country, saying The Gambia has not registered any suspected cases of
information about the Gambia’s suspected case on coronavirus is false and it
has not happened,” he affirmed. “The signs and symptoms possessed by that
particular person does not get closer to coronavirus and is not even a
said that the Health Ministry is working very hard to strengthen its surveillance
system at the borders. He revealed that presently they have posted public
officers at both air and sea ports as part of surveillance strengthening
these people were posted, they were having 24hrs shift to monitor people that
were coming into the country. IOM is supporting us with capacity building
training not only for health workers but for some security personnel as well,”
he declared.
his part, Dr. Desta A. Tiruneh, WHO representative, said the cases of
coronavirus in China are showing a decline, while the number of cases outside
China is on the rise.
“There are three confirmed African countries
about the cases of coronavirus such as Egypt, Nigeria and Algeria. But the
level of WHO preparedness efforts are going on and WHO is supporting countries
to prepare for any eventuality about the virus,” he said.
would be receiving some protective equipment very soon for Gambia to also
prepare for any eventuality. Partners in the country are willing to join us to
support government in fighting against any diseases or virus,” he said.
Sambou, Programme coordinator, Disease Control Department, in a presentation,
explained that the coronavirus is a large family of viruses that cause illness
ranging from common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East
Respiration Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiration Syndrome (SARS).
is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. Some
transmit easily from person to person, while others do not.”
the signs and symptoms, he said, is fever, cough, shortness of breath and
breathing difficulties, pneumonia, severe acute respiration syndrome and kidney