Life Insurance has once again settled another claim on a Teacher’s life at an
emotional presentation held at the St. Therese’s Lower Basic School grounds in
is part of their effort to provide meaningful social protection plans and
poverty reduction solutions that would continue to add value to the lives of
Gambian families.
the claim presentation on Tuesday, a Trust Bank Cheque of GMD18, 300 was
presented to Lena Mendy nominated Trustee and family member of the late
brother of the deceased expressed his personal sentiments about his brother’s
untimely death as well as his total satisfaction about the manner in which
Enterprise Life handled the claim payment.
Anna, the principal of the school and also a policyholder expressed similar
sentiments and indicated that the claim payment received would add great value
to the life of the late colleague’s daughter.
Wahab Fatty, Business Development Manager of the company, in presenting the
cheque, said Justin Mendy took the Life-time needs plan, which was a dual
purpose life assurance policy.
policy allows the policyholder to plan over the long-term towards retirement,
pension, long-term investment strategies, education, marriage, property
acquisition, and most importantly a Replacement Income Plan to support the
policy holder’s family in the unlikely event of death.
Wahab said Enterprise Life was at St. Threses School to fulfill their promise
to Justin’s family by paying a claim and also to show to the public that
insurance companies pay claims.
also took the opportunity to highlight the benefits of the Child Education Plan
which seeks to support parents to save towards meeting the growing cost of
their children’s future education.
behalf of management of Enterprise Life, the team finally expressed the
company’s heartfelt condolences to the family and concluded that all customers
who come into contact with Enterprise Life would enjoy the desired advantage
that they deserve in Life.
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May 16, 2008, 8:04 AM