Ebrima Sanyang, Managing Director of the National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC), has told the joint session of the Public Accounts Committee and Public Enterprises Committee (PAC/PEC) of the National Assembly that, in 2013, electricity production slightly dropped at the Kotu Power Station.
However, he said, there was significant rise at the Brikama power plant of about 23 per cent in the same year, a net increase of about 2 per cent in 2013.
The NAWEC managing director, who was speaking recently at the National Assembly while presenting the NAWEC annual report, said these indicated that NAWEC improved significantly in its operations, particularly in maintenance.
A lot of efforts were put in place for efficient and reliable operations, he said, Sanyang said, adding that the management of NAWEC “worked very hard to ensure customer needs are addressed”.
Explaining the Batokunku Small-Scale Wind Turbine project, Mr Sanyang said that in the framework of a community development initiative, the community of Batokunku’s development of a small-scale wind power project for the village was realised.
The objective of the project is to generate renewable energy, to assist in the community development through empowerment and income-generating activities, he said.
The excess power generated for the community would be sold to NAWEC, he added.
The gap between the demand for electricity and supply continued to widen, despite management efforts at increasing and reinforcing the generating capacity of the institution, he further told deputies.
During the period under review, he noted, the rate of load-shedding increased compared to the previous year.
The water and sewerage division comprises water production, water distribution and sewerage, he said, adding that the division is headed by a director assisted by senior technical management staff, consisting of production manager, station manager, water distribution engineer and a mechanical engineer.
NAWEC’s water service continued to improve in 2013 in terms of performance and output, MD Sanyang said.
This was partly due to the expansion works and increased maintenance, in particular the modern water treatment plant in Brikama and all associated components, he stated