They will specifically consider the status of the implementation of the ECOWAS ministerial directive on the organization of the regional electricity market, issued in 2013.
The directive provides the general framework for governing the regional electricity market within the framework of the ECOWAS Energy Protocol.
It also relates to the operations of the electricity market principles such as the market design and phases, open access to the regional transmission network and access by eligible customers, as well as the harmonization of cross-border contractual arrangements.
The meeting will also review the draft dispute resolution procedures and enforcement rules prepared by ERERA for the discharge of its quasi-judicial functions with regard to the regional electricity market.
The committee members will, in addition, review ERERA’s draft strategic plan and programmes for 2016 through 2020, as well as consider proposals on the rebranding of the institution’s annual Electricity Regulatory Forum to make it more effective.
They will also receive briefings on ERERA’s draft model contract of the regional power market, including templates for bilateral contracts during the first phase of the market.
Furthermore, they will be treated to presentations on the basics of transmission tariff methodologies, meant to address the sensitive issue of cross-border electricity costs.