Entitled ‘The Trial of Busumbala’ by Gambian playwright Gabriel Roberts and ‘The Trials of Brother Jero’ by Nigerian Nobel Price Winner for Literature Wole Soyinka, the plays are challenging in terms of staging, plot and theme.
Both plays were set in the sixties a time of political and cultural change in Africa.
Speaking at a press conference at the Theatre Centre, Janet Badjan-Young, director of the centre, thanked the trainees for their wonderful participation, saying that though it was very tough “but we were able to do it”.
The actors or characters in the play have gone through vigorous training, she said, noting that apart from the training course the trainees have been working with experienced and topnotch actors among them was John Njie and Ousman Jarju.
‘The Trials of Brother Jero’ is a satiric comedy on phony religious groups that were surfacing at an alarming rate in Nigeria.
Brother Jero is the main master of manipulation who keeps his followers in a subservient position because he understands what they long for – money, social status and power.