Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) last Friday released the much
anticipated draft constitution. The draft recommends for only elected National
Assembly Members and not nominated ones.
draft constitution spelled a need for 53 elected from single member
constituencies; 14 elected women, two from each Administrative Area; and two
persons, elected by persons with disabilities from amongst the members of the
federation representing such persons in future.
says there is no residency requirement to be eligible for National Assembly
election, although a candidate must satisfy the other qualifications outlined
in the constitution.
method for initiating a recall of an elected member of the National Assembly,
Justice Cherno Sulayman Jallow, the chairman of the commission said, is
provided for, considering the increased size of the National Assembly,
provision is made to enable the Assembly to elect two deputy speakers.
positions of Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the National Assembly,
Justice Jallow added, are established. “The business of the National Assembly
is to be conducted in the English language or in any other language indigenous
to The Gambia, and the Assembly is required to encourage and facilitate the
progressive realisation of the use of languages indigenous to The Gambia in the
conduct of the business of the Assembly within five years of the coming into
force of the draft constitution.”
is made to enable members of the public to petition the National Assembly on
any matter within the authority of the Assembly; and (h) The National Assembly
Service Commission is established to deal with staff matters relative to the
to Justice Jallow, in respect of the judiciary, the following new provisions
have been created: “A provision is made outlining the principles of justice”
Chief Justice and all other judges of the superior courts must be Gambians;
however, provision is made allowing for the recruitment and appointment of
non-Gambians in circumstances where a sufficient number of Gambians are not
available for appointment to a particular judicial office.”
Supreme Court, he stated, is given supervisory jurisdiction over all other
superior courts, while the High Court and Shari’ah High Court have such
jurisdiction over the subordinate courts under them.
Shari’ah High Court is established, with jurisdiction to hear and determine
Shari’ah causes or matters relating to adoption, marriage, divorce, burial,
inheritance, or endowment (waqf); the Cadi Courts are to be transformed into
Shari’ah Courts.”
view of the restrictions placed on a judge who has retired from office, he
noted, provision is made for benefits, provided the judge has served for a
specified number of years. “The composition of the Judicial Service Commission
has been streamlined to make the institution more democratic.”
Islamic Solution to World Peace’
Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu
Saturday, 19th October 2019, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, the Gambia, hosted
the 2nd Peace Conference Africa at The Kairaba Beach Hotel. This was the second
of its kind, the first having been held in Ghana in 2018.
theme for this year’s peace conference was ‘The Islamic Solution to World
Peace’. Mr. Karim Asad Ahmad Khan QC,
Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, was the Keynote Speaker for
the Conference.
Khan Quoted extensively from the Holy Qur’an, the Ahadith of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad of Islam (Peace and blessings be upon him), the writings of the
Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (AS) and his successors. He spoke of the
Qur’anic teaching of equality of human beings citing Ch. 49 verse 14 which
talks of the creation of tribes and subtribes but then says that we are all
equal and the most honourable in the sight of Allah is the one who is high
quoted the sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), especially the Farewell
Sermon which spoke of the equality of men regardless of race, tribe, gender or
nationality. He said that had the world followed the instructions of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (SAW), we would have been rid of wars and strife.
spoke of the current Spiritual and Supreme head of Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim
Jama’at, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V Mirza Masroor Ahmad(May Allah be his Helper)
who delivers speeches and lectures in various parts of the world on the subject
of peace. He said the Khalifa continuously calls for the promotion of justice
in international relations saying that it is the only way to attain world
Amir of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, The Gambia, Mr. Baba F. Trawally called
for peace and unity in the world. He called on all and sundry to promote a
peaceful and harmonious coexistence knowing that it is only in peace that there
can be development.
highlighted the Ahmadiyya Muslims Jamaat’s role in the drive to promote world
peace and justice stating that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at’s global drive to
spread the message of Peace is not something new and we are grateful to Allah
Almighty to say that our beloved and supreme head His Holiness Hazrat Mirza
Masroor Ahmad is Championing the Global Drive for the attainment of not just
world peace but for the realisation of the observance of the rights of each
individual and also for global justice.
Honourable Minister of Information and Communication Infrastructure, Mr. Ebrima
Sillah delivered a message on behalf of the President of the Republic of the
Gambia, His Excellency Mr. Adama Barrow. He reiterated Government’s stance on
promoting peace and progress through good governance. He registered the
Government’s acknowledgement and appreciation of the efforts of the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Jama’at in the areas of education, health and agriculture. He assured
the participants of the Gambia Governments readiness to continue working with
the Jama’at in the interest of the peace and progress of the Gambia.
Chairman of the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) Justice Cherno Sulayman
Jallow also spoke on the need to be united and work together to chart a course
for the progress of the country. He spoke of ways and means to eradicate social
injustices which are mostly the cause for conflicts in the world.
Lord Rt. Rev. James Allen Yaw Odico, Bishop of the Anglican Church of the
Gambia, Senegal and Cape Verde also spoke at the event calling for
interreligious dialogue in the world. He quoted from the Bible to show how all
mankind should love one another to attain peace.
Imam Ratib of the Kanifing Mosque, Imam Baba Leigh who is also a commissioner
in the National Human Rights Commission of the Gambia also spoke at length on
the teachings of the Holy Qur’an on the equality of mankind in the sight of
Allah. He called on everyone to be tolerant and accommodate divergent views. He
said each should respect the views of others for us to live in peace and
year’s Africa Peace Prize winner was Dr. Evan Atar Adaha of Sudan. Dr. Atar,
52, is the senior and only surgeon at Maban Referral Hospital, a 120-bed and
two-theatre facility in Bunj, in the south-eastern corner of South Sudan’s
Upper Nile State. The hospital, more than 600 kilometres from the capital,
Juba, is the only functioning surgical facility in Upper Nile and includes a
neonatal section and a 20-bed tuberculosis ward. Open 24 hours a day, it serves
a population of more than 200,000. Dr. Atar is so well known that many just
refer to it as “Dr. Atar’s Hospital”, and patients travel for days so they can
be under his care.
Christian by faith, Dr. Atar, who is fluent in the region’s main language,
Arabic, prays with patients before they are put under anaesthetic and,
according to their religion, recites the Bible or the Koran. Dr Evan Atar Adaha
is dedicated to bringing health care to the neediest in a tense and volatile
region of South Sudan. It is with this dedication to serve the people that he
has been chosen as the winner of the 2nd Africa Peace Prize 2019.
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at wishes to express heartfelt thanks and appreciation to
all those who took part in the organization of the conference. It also wishes
to thank all the participants.
Allah, the Almighty grant the world peace and stability. May He bless us all
with His Choicest blessings and grant peace and progress to the Gambia and
world at large. Ameen.
F. Trawally