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Dr Isatou Touray rejects calling Gambia an Islamic Republic

Sep 7, 2016, 10:58 AM | Article By: Kaddijatou Jawo

In launching her presidential bid for the race to State House, Dr Isatou Touray had pushed against an attempt to unilaterally turn the country into an Islamic Republic.

“I reject the call to turn The Gambia into an Islamic State intended to bring division and set us against each other. I will uphold and reinforce the secular republican status of the constitution, where every Gambian will be free to practice his or her religion in accordance with their faith,” she said.

Unlike other nations, Muslims and Christians in The Gambia have lived harmoniously, which is an exemplary country for religious co-existence and tolerance, even celebrating each other’s festivals, she added.

“I will bring the smile back to the face of the people of the Smiling Coast by investing more in the productive base of the economy, in private as well in the public sector.”

She added: “We will create more jobs that would motivate the young generation of school leavers and job seekers to remain in the country. We will motivate and encourage Gambia scholars and academics abroad to return and contribute their quota.”

Dr Touray further told the cheering crowd that they would encourage and lure the private sector to open opportunities to the young people to earn a decent living, and fulfill their dreams.

“We must preserve The Gambia for our children and the future generation and must open the doors for development.”

She said together with the youths and the men of the country, they would work to bring about unprecedented development in record time.

She further said that a human rights framework and perspective would continue to be central in their approach to issues, as they strive to restore the dignity and integrity of all Gambians and all those who chose to live in The Gambia.

“We commit ourselves to democracy and good governance, as we address the emerging issues of the state in order for The Gambia to gain its rightful position in the world.”

Together, she went on, they could change that direction towards the path of economic growth, creating wealth, creating jobs for the youth, rewarding the hard work of Gambians across the country, upholding the fundamental rights and freedom of Gambians, the rule of law, and the promotion of women’s rights, and the national interest and security of The Gambia.

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