National Assembly Members (NAMs) on Monday referred the projected budget for
2020 to the relevant committees of the Assembly for proper scrutiny and also to
have clear understanding of the budget allocation to all the ministries before
a debate takes place.
the motion was tabled for debate, Hon. Halifa Sallah, the lawmaker for
Serekunda reminded his colleagues, citing Section 53 (m) and 84 of the Standing
Order for the debate to be postponed till Wednesday as the bill goes for proper
thus outlined the vitality of the various committees.
week, Finance Minister Mambury Njie tabled the draft estimate of 2020 budget,
stating that the total revenue and grants in 2020 were projected at D24.47
billion, representing a reduction of 3% over 2019 figure of D25.2 billion.
minister further explained that total expenditure and net-lending was projected
to increase from D28.825 billion in 2019 to D30.048 billion in 2020,
representing an increase of 4 percent.