A group of thirteen students studying International Commerce at the
The job placement, which started in 2004, is an aspect of the bilateral relationship between the Dakar institute and St. Augustine's Senior Secondary School in Banjul, in which the former sends its students annually to The Gambia for job placement mainly at some of the financial institutions in the country to enable the students to perfect their knowledge of English language and to have on-the-job-training.
"These are some of the students studying International Commerce at St. Michel; they have come to The Gambia to perfect their English Language because their area of study requires them to be bi-lingual," said Martin Gomez, principal of St. Augustine's Senior Secondary School, who is the representative of St. Michel in The Gambia.
Mr Gomez made this statement while speaking to reporters at the weekend at a dinner party held at the Baobab Holiday Resort in Bijilo organised by St. Michel to mark the end of the job placement, which takes place from 1 to 31 March every year.
The dinner, attended by the Senegalese Ambassador to The Gambia, was meant to say ‘thank you’ to St. Michel partner institutions in The Gambia, with whose support the job placement has always been a success. It also availed the management of St. Michel, led by the managing director, the opportunity of interacting with partners in the country with regard to the ways and means of improving on the relationship.
Mr Gomez explained that the job placement enables the students to have firsthand knowledge and experience on their areas of specialization. Those who are dealing with banking will know how banking system operates, the same thing for those in insurance and other financial disciplines.
Adolph Preira, an English language lecturer at St. Michel, said that after completing the job placement, all the students work hard to succeed in their examination because language is very important in their course.
"You cannot study international commerce without the knowledge of English Language. So this placement is of real benefit to the students because all the students, from the beginning to now, who attend the job placement here, use to pass their exams at the end," he said.
"The problem we have in
St Michel Complexe comprises a primary school, an upper basic school, a high school, a college and a university.