In his welcome speech, Gabriel Tiel Capote, Charge d’Affaires at the Cuban Embassy in Banjul, said the Cuban people have “never lacked the support and solidarity of peoples of all continents, in particular those of the African continent, which always looked up to Cuba as an indissoluble part of their struggle for independence from colonialism”.
“I take this opportunity to express our appreciation to the Board of the Gambia-Cuba Friendship Association and the Ex-Gambian Students Association in Cuba here present, as well as to all the friends, Gambians and other nationalities that maintain permanent solidarity with the Cuban people,” added Gabriel Tiel Capote
The Cuban people and their revolution are proud to be recognized by the social achievements made, where public health is a prioritized area.
“This recognition was shown in the words of the President of the Republic of the Gambia when he said that the only place in the world where a person goes to the hospital and received free treatment is Cuba”.
He added that this world-wide prestige has been achieved thanks to the hard work of men and women who, like those provided as health care providers to the Gambian people, and were represented at the event, who travelled thousands of miles from their homes and families, “to offer the work of the Revolution – the human quality and respect for life”.