Cherno Jollow’s 53rd minutes strike has inspired Ngoyan FC to the 2017 Mayor’s
trophy title in Banjul.
FC beat Juventus FC 1-0 in the final played at the Banjul KG5 Mini Stadium on
Sunday to clinch the capital biggest football fiesta season traditional curtain
raiser title.
final game was not an easy road to cross as both sides played defensive and
offensive football and caused several goal scoring opportunities but the first
half fail to produce a goal.
resumption of the game, Ngoyan FC was able to contain Juventus FC in the
midfield and created some goal scoring opportunities.
FC opened the scores through striker Cherno Jallow in the 53rd minute of the
game, which eventually proved to be the winner for the Half-Die based football
the champions, Ngoyang FC were decorated with a giant trophy and cash prized of
D10, 000, whilst Juventus FC received D7, 000 as runners-up.
the former Chief of Defence Staff of the Gambia Armed Forces Lieutenant General
Lang Tombong Tamba donated D5, 000 to Banjul Sports Committee as his
contribution towards the development of sports in Banjul.