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British high commissioner inaugurates school

Dec 8, 2009, 2:58 PM | Article By: Augustine Kanjia

The British High Commissioner over the weekend inaugurated the Roots Nursery School at Madiana Village built by IMATT and GAF engineers within ten days at a tune of D86, 000.

The school is being sponsored by Glosaid Foundation.

His Excellency Philip Sinkinson, British High Commissioner to The Gambia thanked the Alkalo for awarding him citizenship of Madiana Village.

According to him, "this is all what community is about, as we have seen soldiers in fighting situations but they as well build communities for people to know that they develop communities as well."

His Excellency Sinkinson further praised GAF engineers, the Royal Gibraltar Regiment and the VCD of Madiana for a job well-done. He urged the people to take care of the building and send their children to school.

For his part, Alkalo Manneh of Madiana Village said the village is the custodian of the school but it is meant for The Gambia.

"Our friends from IMATT came to work assiduously without discriminating against us. The British High Commissioner has left his country, his family and work only to come to our village to inaugurate their school. We have therefore conferred honorary citizenship on you to be part of the village as from now," he said.

The Alkalo said that a good child would not only be good at home but elsewhere as well as many of our friends are from else where. He advised GAF present to continue to do good and said it was their right to do the work and they did it.

"You did it for your children's children and these children will grow to develop the country. If such a building was here forty years ago many would have been ahead today. Knowledge is power.

Sgt. Ronnie Wallace of the Royal Gibraltar Regiment and the Project Manager said they were invited by Glosaid Foundation to have a look at the work.

"We saw it, we liked it and we did it. We spent D86, 000 to finish the building in less than ten days."

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