The training, funded by a Spanish philanthropist, Gloria Martinez, was attended by 15 people drawn from Banyaka and satellite villages.
It was geared towards equipping the participants with basic knowledge on family planning and other related issues such as maternity and mortality.
Speaking on the occasion, Bubacarr Jallow, a community health nurse at the Regional Health Directorate at Brikama, said the ultimate objective is to expose the communities to have a better understanding on issues of family planning.
“Many people believe that family planning is only the use of contraceptive; it has gone far beyond that because it includes maternal and child mortality,” he said.
After the training, the participants are expected to have a deeper understanding of issues of family planning to able to counsel their peers within their respective communities.The ultimate objective is behavioural changes towards family planning in the communities.
Musa K. Camara, a participant, said such training is “a step in the right direction” as it has impacted new knowledge in him and other participants.
Omar Gaye, speaking on behalf of the community, expressed appreciation to the organisers and donor of the training, saying the event was “very timely and educative”.
Abdoulie Baldeh, officer-in-charge of
Banayaka Health Center, advised the participants to make best use of the
knowledge gained and filter it down to their peers.