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Alleged rape case progresses

Dec 24, 2012, 9:27 AM | Article By: Malamin L.M. Conteh

The rape case involving one Bakary Sanno, who was alleged to have raped his foster-daughter, continued recently at the Special Criminal Court in Banjul before Justice Emmanuel Nkea.

Salifu Camara, a police officer attached to the Wellingara Police Station, told the court he recognised the accused, as he was brought to their station in Wellingara accused of raping his foster-daughter.

Designated as the fourth prosecution witness (PW4), officer Camara stated that he cautioned the accused in the presence of an independent witness, where he read the cautionary wording to the accused in the language he claimed to have understood.

First Class Camara further told the court that the accused narrated the incident and he wrote the statement, which the accused agreed with and thumb-printed.

The independent witness signed and he wrote his name and his rank, he said, adding that he could recognise the statement by his handwriting.

The prosecutor, at that juncture, applied to tender the said statement, but the defence counsel from the Legal Aid objected to the admissibility of both the cautionary and voluntary statements.

The case was then adjourned till 16 January 2013, for mini-trial.

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