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Alleged assault case proceeds

Aug 5, 2011, 1:48 PM | Article By: Isatou Senghore

The trial of one Ousman Bah, charged with assault causing actual bodily harm, continued recently at the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Jallow.

Testifying, the first prosecution witness (PW1), Lamin Fatty, told the court that he recognised the accused and could recall 2 July 2011.

He said that on the aforementioned date, there was no light in their area and he decided to take a walk along the street and proceeded to the shop to buy food.

He said that on his way to the shop, he received a telephone call from one Yamundaw Camara, adding that upon his arrival at the accused’s compound gate, the accused insulted him.

According to him, on his return to the shop, he met the accused standing at his compound gate, waiting for him while he continued to insult him.

He said that he asked the accused to let him place his food, adding that as he entered the compound, the accused threw an object at him, but it did not touch him.

“When I came out, the accused hit me with a cutlass and told me that ‘I will kill you’. The accused again tried to hit me with a cutlass on my neck. As I tried to defend myself, I sustained injury on my left hand,” the witness told the court.

Still testifying, he told the court that his mother came out and shouted for help, adding that one Remitta Jatta came and separated them.

He said he was taken to Bakau Police Station and later escorted to Bakau Health Centre, where he started vomiting, and collapsed, adding that he was later referred to the RVTH in Banjul.

According to the charge sheet, on 2 July 2011 at Bakau Sanchaba, in the Kanifing Municipality, the accused, Ousman Bah, assaulted one Lamin Fatty by striking him with a cutlass on his left hand and head, thereby causing him actual bodily harm.

The case was adjourned till 8 August 2011.

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