Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu
we have come to the conclusion of another Holy and blessed month of Ramadan.
Muslims across the country and worldwide will be celebrating the Eidul Fitr to
remember the blessings that Allah Almighty has bestowed upon them by guiding
them to Islam and prescribing the Holy month of Ramadan for the attainment of
Taqwa (righteousness) and fear of Allah Almighty.
is a global outcry for peace. Reports of instability and disorder always make
the headlines on news. Unfortunately, all these instabilities and disorders are
attributed to Islam, the religion that has no relationship with violence
whatsoever. All Islamic commandments are aimed at establishing peace by making
man a devoted and righteous servant of Allah Almighty. The commandment to fast
is one of those commandments.
peace is the foundation for the establishment of global peace. One has to be at
peace with oneself in order to be at peace with others and the entire society.
This individual peace is dependent on the attainment of peace with Allah Almighty
which can only be attained through righteousness. The Holy month of Ramadan has
been prescribed for the attainment of that objective. If a person sincerely
observes the fast of the Holy month of Ramadan, he or she becomes upright and
strengthened in the path of Allah Almighty. No one can be truly submissive to
Allah Almighty and be at peace with Him without being at peace with his or her
fellow human beings. The desire for committing evil and disrupting the peace of
the society is suppressed in the heart of such an individual. His or her
willingness to abstain from all lawful things for the sake of Allah Almighty
creates in his or her soul the will and determination to abstain from
everything that will create disorder in the earth such as greed, jealousy,
hatred, injustice, falsehood, and immorality. The Holy month of Ramadan is a
period of reformation in acquiring fear of Allah Almighty and achieve His
grace, mercy and salvation. This reformation continues for the rest of the
is the essence of Islam. Islam does not support any activity that will disrupt
the peace of the society. The Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) was an
embodiment of peace. He lived in peace with people of different faiths
including Jews and Christian and protected their fundamental human rights.
Therefore, no perpetrator of violence is justified in attributing such
activities to Islam. In fact, the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustapha (SAW) has
cursed the creator of fitna (disorder) and dissension (disunity).
we celebrate the Eidul Fitr, we must remember the poor and the needy among us.
One of the purposes of Ramadan is to reserve some food for the feeding of the
poor and the needy. In order for the poor and the needy to partake in the
celebrations of the Eid, the well to do, in fact everybody is instructed to pay
the Sadaqatul Fitr. These show the importance that Islam has put on the service
to humanity. The peace of the society will be a nightmare if the indigent are
not given their rights. Therefore, let us make our poor and needy neighbours
happy during and after the feast.
us also continue to remember countries encountering so much strife and disorder
that Allah Almighty may make those countries stable.
convey to you the salaam and Eid Mubarak of His Holiness, the Supreme and
Spiritual Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor
Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (ATBA). He is always praying for the peace, security
and stability of our beloved country. On behalf of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at
the Gambia, I convey to you my humble salaam and Eid Mubarak.
Allah Almighty make the rest of the months after the Holy month of Ramadan a
reflection of the blessings of the month. May He establish peace in our hearts
so that the same peace and tranquility may permeate the entire society. May He
fill our hearts with the light of faith and righteousness. May He continue
showering peace, stability, security, progress and prosperity on our dear and
beloved country, the Gambia. O Allah Almighty, Our Lord and Creator accept and
reward abundantly all our sacrifices in this Holy month and beyond. Ameen.
F. Trawally
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