Over thirty odd years getting to forty long years of associations in the above domain, I write to say goodbye to the above underlined caption in order to concentrate on more important issues of societal development to better dear Gambia.
Amazing is't it? Yes, many will be flabbergasted as to why I have to come to this irrevocable decision of mine as no one can divorce me from sports and youth activities!
Well the time has come to distance myself from the sports politics and to concentrate on sports development hence I have been ostracised for too long a time to contribute within but compelled to do so without as I cannot let the grass grow under my feet in a domain I have very vast experience in; no wonder, my outburst over the years on the issues emanating from the sector. Well, since that is tantamount to treading on the toes of the powers that be to the extent of being elbowed out of all gains, and character assassinated for being too vocal and pointer of the truth earning me the wrath of being left in the lurch after being elbowed out of all gains of our dear revolution of which I contributed immensely. No need to brag but I have continued and will continue to be a catalyst in the chemistry if the revolution as the adage - the Lizard THAT JUMPED FROM THE HIGHT IROKO TREE HAD ALWAYS PRAISED ITSELF IF NONE DID stands poignant here!
Well, what next after the Bye Bye? If a statutory position is not availed me to better the sector, I would resort to consultancy. In this vein, media houses, sports enthusiasts and the general public can contact me to star on their fora or give counsel where feasible at a minimal cost to sustain myself as I have done a lot of voluntary service in the domain to give it a rethink.
Again the onus lies on all and sundry to make this dream a reality on order to not to lose my potential in this domain, I hope there is food for thought here to avert the bickering, rancour and misgivings I have been subjected to and endure over the years in the domain only because of ostracism, as I am kept at bay.
Anyway, God knows best why I am ostracised and kept at bay and not being given the opportunity to be in the bandwagon of authority to influence things in this sphere only for my ideas to be stolen by office bearers who cannot implement them but only have them in their parlances in the many rhetoric yet no pragmatism. Thus in Him I have confide to salvage me.
Having said all that, for my unalloyed patriotism and a founder and projectionist of the CDR's committee for the Defence in the 1994 Revolution's ideals of Transparency, Accountability, Probity, all lending credence to good governance, I would not relent nor rest on my laurels, and not to vent my spleen on the mishaps in the sector of redress.
Therefore, it behoves on all and sundry to solicit my consultancy services to better the lot of our sports thus media chiefs, administrators in sports and the general populace are urged to be contacting me.
Kebba Yorro Manneh,
Social Commentator, Educationist Par Excellence
C/O Kabou Nyancho's Chambers
Latrikunda Sabiji
No 1 New Street
Near Charles Jaw Academy
Janjanbureh Town KSMD
Central River Region Tel: 9833039/6833039/4397410