United on Saturday thrashed Brikama United 3-0 at the Father Gough Sports
Complex in Manjai Kunda to keep their chances of winning the 2016-2017 Gambia
Football Federation Women domestic division one league title.
United opened the tally through an own goal by Brikama United defender Agie
Jallow in the 34th minute of the game to give the Abuko-based outfit the lead.
Colley netted the second goal for Abuko United before half time to dash Brikama
United’s hopes of coming back to their feet.
striker Mam Drammeh sealed victory for Abuko United in the 70th minute of the
game after capitalizing on Brikama United’s defensive error to clinch the vital
three points and also maintain their league title aspirations alive.
United reacted for an equalizer but could not break through Abuko United’s
formidable defence line thus the game ended 3-0 in favour of Abuko United.
hammered Immigration 4-1 at the Serrekunda East Mini Stadium.
City Girls beat Jeshwang United 2-1 in the 2016-2017 Gambia Football Federation
Women second division league at the Father Gough Sports Complex in Manjai