newborn baby that was abandoned at a mangrove swamp at the riverside in Essau
village, Lower Niumi, has been found alive on Thursday afternoon.
Maka S. Subah, a native of Essau, found the baby wrapped in a small bag in the
swamp unattended to while there was no one within the vicinity.
said the baby was lucky to be alive for the swamp is frequented by pigs and
dogs that could have devour it.
lucky baby was rushed to Essau Health Centre and the matter reported to Barra
Police Station. A swift investigation by
the police was conducted and the culprit was later caught.
single mother, name withheld, whose husband died two years ago and lives in
Mbollet Ba, a small village about 10km from Barra, in Lower Niumi, is the
suspected culprit.
police could not give any comment and the police spokesperson could not be
reached at the time of going to the press.