Abdoulie Nyockeh
Seedy Drammeh, deputy director for Human Resources and Admin at The Gambia
Revenue Authority (GRA) has authored another book titled: The Importance of
Setting Goals and Benefits of Mentoring Relationship.
latest development increases his collection of books to 31 that he has
published so far.
to the media, Dr. Drammeh explained that the book contains useful information
about the importance of setting goals, having a plan and mentor to guide
towards achieving the goals.
is important to point out that setting personal goals gives a person long-term
vision and short-term inspiration,” he said.
book, he went on, would help people to focus on what they want so as to
accomplish their goals, adding that it will also serve as guide when it comes
to financial resource management in order to effectively utilise the resources
to achieve a desired goal.
to him, the book also provides vital information on what should be done when
setting personal goals.
who wants to be successful at the highest level needs to set achievable goals.
The goals should be clear and realistic so that you would be able to accomplish
your dream.”
indicated that it is a fact that lots of people find it difficult to know if
they are achieving positive results because they don’t set goals. Anyone who
wants to achieve something great should decide what he/she wants in life. The
individual should also have a plan to guide him/herself. “
a nutshell the book he explained, gives advice on how to set personal goals,
saying it also chronicles vital information about benefits of mentorships on
personal initiatives at work place.
may interest the readers to know that mentoring in workplace creates
opportunities for employees. It also encourages employees to learn new skills.”