The Lajna Imaillah, The
In his closing remarks, Amir Sahib Baba F. Trawally, said "Your organisation has beautifully been named Lajna Imaillah, which means the Association of the Maidservants of Allah Almighty. Therefore, every word of yours, every action and every movement should manifest the reality of you being true maidservants of Allah Almighty."
According to him, the Lajna Imaillah are the devoted female servants of Allah, the Almighty in this age.
"Allah Almighty says that His servants are those who are steadfast, truthful, humble, spend in the way of Allah and seek forgiveness in the latter part of the night. These are such noble qualities that every Amatullah (maidservant of Allah) should possess. You should maintain goodwill and unity among yourselves by avoiding all causes of disunity," he said.
Earlier in her opening address, the Sadr (President) of the Lajna Imaillah (Association of Ahmadi ladies and girls) said that women should be examples of high moral standards, which they should also strive to inculcate in their children.
"They must always guard the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) by practising it to the letter in all walks of life."
She said that the spirit of discipline and obedience to parents and authority should be planted in the younger generation.
Addressing the conference on the importance of the Islamic veil, Dr. Aisha Khan said veil is an obligation on all Muslim women. She said that putting on the veil and covering the body in an Islamic manner and it also symbolises the covering of the heart from all satanic thoughts, thereby protecting a woman from being tempted by Satan.
According to him, the misconception that Islamic veil restricts the freedom of women is totally wrong, noting that it protects and safeguards women socially, morally and emotionally.
"A woman should never go out without observing the Islamic veil," she concluded.
The conference which was attended by 254 women and girls from across the country, was characterised with a session for the Nasirat (Ahmadi girls between the ages 7 and 15), with speeches delivered on the rights of women in Islam by Sister Kumba Bah and the Importance of the Nasirat pledge (the pledge of Ahmadi girls) by Sister Mariama Drammeh (Jr.).
The Majlis Ansarullah (Association of the male elders of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at) also held their 4th annual national conference on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st February 2010, at the Baitus Salaam Mosque in Tallinding Kunjang.
Addressing the conference, Amir Sahib Baba F. Trawally, said "Salat is the greatest of the remembrance of Allah Almighty. It is the essence of Islam. In it man shows the utmost humility before Allah the Almighty by standing erect, prostrating and bowing. Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an that the successful are those who are humble in their prayers and they diligently guard the observance of their prayers. Allah, the Almighty says that prayer surely restrains one from indecency and manifest evil. Therefore, those who are humble in their prayers and guard the observance of their prayers will surely be successful because they will be protected from indecency and manifest evil."
He emphasised the importance of congregational prayers by quoting the Hadith in Abu Daud that says "If there are three in a village or even in the desert and they do not join in prayer, Satan would surely overcome them. So, always gather together for prayer, for a wolf would rend a solitary sheep."
In his opening remarks, the Sadr (President) of Majlis Ansarullah, Mr. Fafanding E.K Darbo drew the attention of the participants to the objective of the gathering and dilated on the history and mission of Majlis Ansarullah. He said that they must always stand firm to defend the honour of Islam and the honour of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw), and be examples of the highest standards of virtue and righteousness.
Speaking on the topic the role of a Nasir (an Ahmadi male aged 40 and above), Mr. Musa B. Kinteh said "Nasir means a helper of Allah."
"Therefore, the primary duty of a Nasir is to guide others to Allah, demonstrate exemplary conduct in society and act as a role model," he stated.
Mr. Kemo Sonko spoke on the importance of financial sacrifice. He presented vivid examples of the enormous financial sacrifice made by the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (SAW) and his companions during the early days of Islam. He asserted that financial sacrifice was essential for the task of spreading Islam and working towards the promised victory of the faith on the face of the earth. Mr. Sonko punctuated his speech with several references to the sayings and writings of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (as) concerning financial sacrifice.
He also elaborated on the handsome rewards accrued to people who make genuine financial sacrifices in the cause of Islam. Mr. Sonko delved into the spirit and substance of the 'Wassiyat' scheme, challenging Ansar to actively consider joining the blessed initiative.
Other speakers at the conference included Ustaz Syed Saeed-ul-Hassan Shah, Mr. Sekou Omar Dibba, Ustaz Issa Diouf and Mr. Tahir Ahmad Touray, who spoke on the importance of Salat; the training of children; the biography of the second Khalfa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at; and the prophecies concerning the birth of the Promised Son of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (as), respectively.
The conference was attended by 135 male elders of the Jama'at from all over the country.