
Hydration and Health in The Gambia: Bridging the Gap Between Tradition and Well-being

Oct 25, 2023, 11:18 AM | Article By: Dr. Ismail D Badjie, PharmD

The weekly prescription: Your dose of national well-being

BANJUL – The Gambia, radiant under the Sahelian sun, thrives on a legacy rich in tradition and faith. However, with rising temperatures, the equilibrium between our cherished customs and health priorities becomes more crucial than ever. This balance is especially vital for our senior citizens, who, due to age-related physiological changes, are more vulnerable to dehydration. Harmonizing our beloved traditions with contemporary health needs is an expedition of understanding, education, and community commitment.

Sugary Beverages: A Pleasure with a Hidden Cost

Central to Gambian gastronomy is an array of sugary drinks that delight the senses. While they provide a burst of flavor and immediate satisfaction, their prolonged effects can be subtle yet harmful. When consumed in excess, these beverages can exacerbate dehydration. As the body metabolizes the sugars, it draws on its hydration reserves, creating a deceptive cycle of increased thirst and beverage consumption. Remember, moderation is key, and plain water is always the best hydration option. 

Nature's Hydration: Embracing Water-Rich Fruits

Our land is blessed with fruits that are not only delicious but also naturally hydrating. Watermelon, for instance, is over 90% water, making it a perfect snack to combat dehydration. Other hydrating fruits include cucumbers, oranges, and pineapples. Integrating these fruits into our daily diet can boost our hydration levels, ensuring we remain refreshed and nourished.

Sun-Savvy: Navigating the Sahelian Intensity

Protection against The Gambia's radiant sun is vital. Employing light, breathable fabrics, wide-brimmed hats, and protective eyewear can drastically reduce the heat's impact. Furthermore, a cold shower can serve as an oasis against the sweltering heat, aiding the body in maintaining a balanced temperature. 

Medication and Monitoring: The Midday Challenge

The midday sun can aggravate health conditions, especially high blood pressure. Regular monitoring, adherence to medication, and consultation with healthcare providers become crucial during these hours. A proactive approach ensures optimal health even under the sun's most intense gaze. 

Elders' Hydration: A Community's Duty

Our senior citizens, repositories of our traditions, are particularly susceptible to dehydration. Recognizing signs like a dry mouth, sunken eyes, rapid heartbeat, or reduced skin elasticity is essential. Regular check-ins and ensuring a steady water intake can be life-saving. 

Guidelines to Glow: Adequate Water Intake

For optimal hydration, adults should aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. This intake can vary based on individual needs, but it's a good baseline. Remember, in our climate, sweating can lead to a higher loss of fluids, so increasing water intake might be necessary on particularly hot days. 

Faith and Fluids: The Wudu Conundrum

For many Gambians, Wudu holds profound spiritual importance. The hesitation to drink water due to Wudu is a challenge but can be managed by timing water intake judiciously, ensuring that both spiritual and hydration needs are harmoniously met.

Unity in Action

The Gambia's strength lies in its unity. By embracing both our traditions and contemporary health recommendations, we can navigate the challenges of rising temperatures together. Through awareness, adaptability, and a collective spirit, The Gambia can shine as a land where heritage and health thrive side by side.

 Together, let's prioritize our health, honor our traditions, and ensure a vibrant future for The Gambia. Stay hydrated, embrace natural refreshments, and let our nation be a beacon of health and harmony. 

Peace and Love.