On August 13th, 1926, in Birán, the former Cuban province of Oriente, a man worthy of enormous personality was born, the most emblematic, transcendent and outstanding of the entire 20th century and part of the 21st. Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz.
Revolutionary leader who positively transformed the lives of millions of people, not only in Cuba but in the world.
Simplicity, loyalty, honesty, solidarity, humanism and courage are some of his greatest values, his personal gifts of audacity, strength and courage, his great concern to always listen to the will of the people, his immense faith in the future, his great vision to prevent events and anticipate them, led him to the place of honor that he always occupied in the Cuban people.
Our eternal commander became the paradigm of all worthy Cubans, the beacon that guides and illuminates the path of truth, justice, solidarity and humanism.
On June 5th, 1989, at the opening ceremony of the expansion works of the “Joaquín Albarrán” Surgical Clinical Hospital, in Havana, Fidel stated that “instead of investing so much in the development of increasingly sophisticated weapons, those who have The resources for this should promote medical research and put the fruits of science at the service of humanity, creating instruments of health and life, and not death. “
In this way he created a peaceful army of health professionals, capable, highly prepared, who inheritors of his ideas, his values, convictions and altruism, today are scattered throughout the world saving lives and defeating death, following his words :
“Doctors, nurses, technicians, we must ask them to treat each of the patients as if they were their children, as if they were their brother, as if they were their wife, as if they were their parents. It is like that. , with that feeling. And not only from parents or children, or from a wife or brothers, but from a good father, a good son, a good wife or a good husband, and a good brother. “
Dear Commander-in-Chief Fidel, today 95 years after you came to this world to enlighten us with your wisdom, the members of the Cuban Medical Brigade in the Gambia ratify our commitment to be faithful followers of your ideas, to serve the Gambian population. as our family, that from wherever you are you feel proud of your work and of all the good things that you have provided to humanity.
The grateful people remember you and venerate you as the big man that you were and who lives eternally in the hearts of thousands of human beings who bless your existence.
By your side forever commander! Homeland or death. we’ll win.