The decision to stage the AGM came following a lot of criticisms from several sports associations affiliated to the Committee (GNOC), over the decision to postpone its election that was supposed to be held last year.
The GNOC, last year announced it has got a consensus through a resolution from the majority of its members to go by an IOC advice, allowing NOCs to extend their mandates from 2020 to 2021 following the postponement of the Olympic Games.
Last month, the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MoYS) has written a strong worded letter to the GNOC expressing concern about the body’s conduct in dealing with queries raised by some of its members over the decision to delay their elective congress.
In the letter, MoYS said it has agreed with the National Sports Council (NSC) and the Technical Committee that there were flaws in the process to delay the elections, while further advising the GNOC to comply with the recommendation of the NSC as the body responsible for regulating sports to hold a congress, as also agreed by majority of the stakeholders.
Lamin King Colley, the president of the combined forces sports association, who wants to contest for the presidency of the GNOC, earlier said he would not sit by and watch individuals take the national cake and play with it anyhow they like.
The proposed agenda of the AGM on Saturday will see a presentation of reports from the president, secretary general and treasurer for 2017, 2018 and 2019.