
Tribute : A tribute to an Uncle who is an Icon

Jul 2, 2024, 2:08 PM | Article By: Bamba Sering Mass UK


Uncle Mr Phoday Saikouba Jarjusey who worked with Sir Dawda Jawara in the same office for eleven and a half years  as his personal aide and speechwriter, has passed away yesterday after battling a long illness in London United Kingdom 

Uncle Phoday was born in Jarra Soma to late Chief Saikouba Jarjusey and after his school education, he joined The Gambia civil service in 1976. Between 1976 and 1977, uncle Phoday served at  many ministries including the Ministries: Local Government and Lands; Agriculture and Natural Resources; Works and Communications and Education, Youth, Sports and Culture ect. 

In 1977 he was posted to the Office of The President where  served for eleven and a half years; rising from Assistant Secretary, Senior Assistant Secretary, Under Secretary, Deputy Permanent Secretary, to the position of Permanent secretary, Ministry of Works and Communications in 1988.  From 1977 to 1988 he worked directly under Sir Dawda at the Office of The President, dealing with broad ranges of both domestic and international issues. He was said to be the main speech writer of most Sir Dawda speeches. 

Uncle Phoday is an elder much respected amongst Gambian community in the United Kingdom. He is even much loved by British community where he resides when they voted him as Councillor at London Borough of Hillingdon UK in 2008/2009 and he served them with dedication. He was also a member of Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust.

A very lovely uncle to my wife Khaddy MK Saidybah whose mother was his sister. A mentor who welcomes all without distinction and his house is full of love. Condolences to Aunty and the entire Jarjusey Kunda family at home and abroad. May his blessed soul rest in Jannah.