It has peace and security implications for the Nation. It is time that religious leaders, Human Rights Commission, Opinion leaders, Security Chiefs get together and launch an appeal to the two Political leaders to mellow down the tensions between them and allow the stability of the Nation to prevail in the democratic process. The political war between Barrow and Darboe is getting bitter and acrimonious by the day. It is making life uneasy for Gambians because of the polluted political environment.
The ECOWAS and AU representatives in the country should recognize these growing political tensions and to prevail on the leaders concerned to maintain the peace and stability of the country. It is not helpful for anyone to defend this side or that side in this political quarreling between the major Parties. The National interest and in our collective interest, we are duty bound to ensure the consolidation of our democracy and to focus on making The Gambia a great Nation. What is the point of getting rid of the dictatorship era to usher in a democratic era and to eventually engage in retrogression in development. This is not what the Gambian people wish to happen at all. Barrow has a duty to build his legacy of good governance and development. Darboe has a duty to present to Gambians, a credible and convincing agenda for development in order to be considered and voted into power in 2026. All these efforts or desires must be of considerable benefit to our economy and for sustainable development. The people must not suffer at the hands of the politicians. Their welfare and concerns must be of fundamental reflection in the National discourse. The political leadership must be warned that if the bitter rivalry and political acrimony continues, Gambian voters will be so divided that it could produce surprising election outcomes in 2026. It will be a tragic mistake for anyone to think that the country is only about power sharing between these two rival Parties. We must recognise the growing generational consciousness that transcends tribal, regional, religious and parental boundaries in politics. We have seen two unpredictable election outcomes in the country in 2021 and in 2023. Let peace ring in every corner of the country. That is the road to a better Gambia.