
Challenging Political Decorum: The implications of the President’s comments on Ousainou Darboe

Jul 30, 2024, 9:36 AM

In a shocking and deeply troubling statement, the President of The Gambia has made remarks that not only undermine the dignity of his office but also exacerbate political tensions in the nation.

The comments in question were directed at Honorable Ousainou Darboe, the leader of the main opposition party, the United Democratic Party (UDP). The President declared, "I will remain president until Ousainou Darboe dies, and when I hear of his death, I will then attend his burial and only then will I resign as president." 

Such a statement is not only unpresidential but also profoundly disrespectful to the democratic norms and principles that underpin the Gambia’s political system. The role of a president is to serve all citizens, transcending personal grudges and political rivalries. By publicly declaring an intention to remain in power until the death of a political opponent, the President has cast a shadow over the integrity of his office. This assertion is a stark reminder of the dangers of political polarization and the erosion of democratic values.

Honorable Ousainou Darboe has been a formidable force in The Gambia’s political landscape for decades. His contributions to the development and democratization of the nation are profound. As a former detainee of the Jammeh regime, Darboe’s resilience and unwavering commitment to nation building cannot be disregarded.  His leadership in the UDP has been instrumental in shaping the current political dispensation inspiring countless Numbers of Gambians thus cementing his place as a central figure in the nation’s history. 

The President’s words are more than a lapse in decorum; they carry the potential to incite hatred and deepen divisions within Gambian society. By framing his tenure in such a personal and antagonistic manner, he risks fostering an environment of animosity and deep polarisationens Qq. This kind of rhetoric can embolden party militants and undermine efforts to promote peaceful political discourse. It is essential for leaders, especially those in positions of significant authority, to exercise restraint and uphold a standard of civility in public discourse.

The Gambia has made significant strides towards stability and democracy in recent years, but statements like these threaten to undo much of that progress. The President's declaration undermines the spirit of national unity and reconciliation that is crucial for the country’s development. Instead of fostering an inclusive political environment, it risks alienating a significant portion of the population and entrenching political discord. This can have serious implications for the nation's stability and its future democratic prospects.

It is imperative that the President reflects on the gravity of his remarks and takes immediate steps to rectify the situation. This includes issuing a public apology and reaffirming his commitment to democratic values and the rule of law. The people of The Gambia deserve a leader who respects the principles of democracy, human rights, and the sanctity of political debate.

In light of this controversy, it is incumbent upon civil society organizations, the media, and the international community to hold the President accountable. It is essential for these stakeholders to continue advocating for peaceful dialogue, democratic integrity, and respect for human rights.

While I hold certain critical views regarding the policies and approaches of the United Democratic Party (UDP), it is essential to separate policy disagreements from the respect owed to political leaders. Healthy criticism and democratic discourse are fundamental to progress, but they must be conducted within the bounds of respect and civility. Every political leader in the Gambia, regardless of their party affiliation, deserves to be treated with dignity.

The President’s statement was not just an unfortunate lapse in judgment; it was a glaring departure from the norms of responsible governance. It serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of democratic institutions and the ongoing challenges faced by many nations striving for democratic consolidation. For The Gambia to move forward, it is crucial that its leaders rise above petty rivalries and work towards a future defined by mutual respect, inclusivity, and democracy. The people of The Gambia deserve nothing less.

Let us work together to ensure that the path to democracy is protected and that the spirit of unity and justice prevails.

Momodou Malcolm Jallow 

Gambian-born Swedish member of Parliament