
Reviewing the Masquerading and Parading of Hunting and Other festivities

Dec 29, 2022, 12:27 PM

I heard over GRTS news at 8.00 p.m. the previous evening that because that was a Sunday, there will not be real Hunting Ambiance till the next day, Monday, 26th of December 2022.

This means that the same state of affairs will apply next week Sunday, January 1st, New Year's Day. There will be no Hunting Play till the following day, Monday, 2nd of January.

Now if either Christmas or New Year's falls on a Sunday there will be no parading of the Hunting till the following day because Sunday is a Holy Day.

Now, if Christmas or New Year's day falls on a Friday, which is also a Holy Day, the Hunting Play and Hunting Parading will still go ahead even though Friday is a day for the Jumaa at 2.00 p.m and the Hadratul Jumaa between Takussan, 5.00 p.m. and Timis, Maghreb at 7.00 p.m.

It is us the Muslims that make the Hunting play possible. If Muslims withdraw their participation from the Christmas and New Year Masquerading Activities or Festivities then these festivities will definitely FAIL. Why can't then the Muslims give the Friday Jumaa and Hadratul its Full Rights and Postpone the Hunting Masquerading and Parading till the following day, Saturday just like they would do if Christmas or New Year fall on a Sunday.

Of course, we know that the Festivities that take place on Christmas and New Year stem from Christian and Krio Traditions. There was a time in the 1930s, 1940s, 50s, 60s, up to the 1970s when the center of Bathurst later Banjul was mainly dominated by Christians or Krios. We could understand then if there was a postponement of the activities and Festivities since the Hunting and other Masquerades were mainly organised by Krios. However, Times have changed and now the organisation of the Christmas and New Year Masquerading and Festivities has fallen into Muslim Hands but the Status Quo has not changed. It needs some Re-thinking though and Reviewing of the Status Quo. In other words, should Christmas or New Year's fall on a Friday, let us give the 2.00 (p.m) Jumaa and the Hadratul Jumaa 5.00 p.m. at Takussan up to Timis at Maghreb their full Honour and then postpone the Hunting Masquerading and Festivities till the following day, Saturday. We will still enjoy the Hunting Parading and our Christian and Krio brothers, neighbours, friends, colleagues and Cousins will surely support the move and the Respect given to the 2.00 p.m. Jumaa and 5.00 p.m to 7.00 p.m. Hadratul Jumaa.

We get along very well with our Christian and Krio neighbours and this already cordial relationship will even improve and be ameliorated to higher Heights. We need the Support of Everyone in this Venture and Pray that the Almighty God/Allah shower His Mercies and Blessings on all of us so that we all join hands and make this much desired venture a REALITY.

LOOKING FORWARD TO THE PARTICIPATION OF ALL AND SUNDRY AND BRING THE IMBALANCE ON EQUAL FOOTING  : If the Sunday (Holy Day) Hunting Masquerading is to be Postponed till the following day, Monday, then the Friday, Hunting Masquerading and other Festivities should also be Postponed till the following day, Saturday.

Only then would we have come close to balancing the lack of Evenness.....

It is the business all of us; so everybody should make it his or her business to make Friday also look like a HOLY DAY. NOT JUST A Holiday because Government has so declared it but a HOLY DAY JUST LIKE THE SUNDAY IS ALSO A HOLY DAY.

A Holiday (one word) is a day accorded to the workers in the civil service and the work force in general by the ruling government so that people can stay at home and not go to work yet will be paid.

Conversely, a Holy Day ( two words) marking a religious feast, for example, Christmas, Easter, Tobaski, Koriteh or Ramadan, etc.

February 18th in the Gambia is Independence Day and therefore a Holiday but it is NOT a Holy Day. School Holidays are NOT Holy Days.

A Holy Day has a Religious Connotation whereas a Holiday does not. This explicitly explains the difference between a Holiday and a Holy Day.





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