
Justice delayed is Justice denied

Jun 29, 2021, 1:15 PM | Article By: Alh Ngaing Demba Thomas

The silence of the public authorities namely the President’s office over the outcome of the Janneh’s Commission whose report and recommendations have been submitted to the relevant authorities, leaves much to be desired.

The purpose for instituting the Janneh Commission was primarily to render accountability meaningful by cross examining all those during the notorious Jammeh regime who were involved in the abuse of office, for the acquisition of government funds without any due regard for accounting procedures nor respect for the laws governing the institutions such as banks etc.

The role of the shameless, unpatriotic and disgraceful officers, who sold their souls to the Devil, by obeying every command from the criminal Yahyah Jammeh, no matter however lucrative the prices they wrongfully earned, their end results will be consigned to the dustbins of history.

The evidence that came to light during the work of the commission are glaring manifestations of the reckless manner of administration and impunity of the officers whose admission of guilt to the commission, must be interpreted as the genuine reason for the government of the day headed by His Excellency President Adama Barrow to take the necessary steps to implement the recommendations of the Janneh Commission, which is now being viewed as long overdue.

The approaching general and presidential elections must be the Litmus Test for President Adama Barrow to administer justice accordingly without fear or favour. The public confidence and respect that Gambians have for the occupant of the office of the president must either remain to be the high regard that Gambians have for the highest office in The Gambia because it is believed that President Adama Barrow can live to the expectation of Gambians or, become a gross betrayal of such public confidence and trust as a result of the failure of President Barrow to implement the recommendations of the Janneh Commission in order to render justice to the Gambian citizens. The devastating evidence that surfaced during the work of the Janneh Commission should leave no stone unturned.

President Barrow must therefore take to task the perpetrators of these heinous crimes, in order to assure Gambians that his leadership will be committed to uphold freedom of the press, independent of the judiciary and to address all matters relating to the proper functioning of the Executive and the Legislature.

The respect and regards for the positive role of these four estates, constituting a democratic state, will greatly enhance the support of Gambian voters whose desire to render accountability meaningfully is a long standing requisite to gain victory in any election be it presidential or legislature.

The only condition necessary for evil to triumph is when the good people do nothing. A word for the wise is enough. While the public is anxiously waiting for the outcome of the Truth Reconciliation and Repatriation Commission - TRRC, let the authorities pay heed to the saying that, “Justice delayed is justice denied”.