The Project seeks to uplift young agric entrepreneurs in agriculture production. It is a big move that should make a big difference in the lives of the Youths of this Nation. It is hoped that its implementation will not encounter unnecessary bottlenecks and political interference. This is the most commendable development assistance in terms of poverty alleviation, food security drive and employment creation for young people. The FAO Project could not have come at a better time when the country is confronted by the deadly BACKWAY SYNDROME. The FAO Country Office and the German government must be saluted for such a visionary leadership in development interventions in the country. “By 2030, the size of the food and agriculture business will reach $1 trillion. So if you are thinking of how to make money, that is the sector to be in.” said Dr. Akiwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank. Indeed, agriculture is the vehicle for economic development. An observer on developing countries said, if development is to reach the people without long waits for its spread effects or trickle down effects then development must act directly in the agriculture sector itself. Napoleone had also said, “An army marches on its stomach.” A hungry Nation cannot be a productive Nation. Africa is hungry because Africa is not moving agriculture in a rapid and substantial manner. This FAO Accelerator Hub Project offers the opportunity for the Gambia to be in food security and in agriculture value chain business.