At a recent presser held at a local restaurant in Tabokoto, Tamba J.Y. Camara, secretary of the foundation, who spoke on behalf of founder, disclosed the foundation’s stance in promoting women and children and also fighting Gender-Based Violence.
“Whatever we gathered in support will be utilised to the goal of empowering women. I therefore commended all those who supported the cause. As a nation, we should all work as a team to end this violence.”
Fanta Mballow, chairperson of the Foundation noted that to lead a team, one needs to have certain qualities and should not feel superior over others.
The foundation, she added, is purely meant for promoting women empowerment and fight gender-based violence.
Yusupha Gomez, an adviser to the foundation, indicated that youth and children formed the most vulnerable in society and yet, they also formed the biggest or the highest proportion of ‘our population.’
“Today marks the first interface of Ya Kumba’s Nest with the media and the world at large.” he said.
Owing to the vulnerable nature of women and children in society, Gomez thus outlined the need to fight gender based violence by reporting the issue wherever it occurs to the concerned authority.