These forums are geared towards developing a project titled: “Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem in The Gambia through the REDD+ Mechanism.”
The eight-day synergies, began in The Greater Banjul Area (GBA) last Friday at Baobab Holiday Resort, Bijilo and will continue in the West Coast, Lower River, North Bank and Central River Regions.
The project, according to Kawsu Jammeh, national Focal Point on Convention on Biological Diversity, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and Born Challenge on Forest Landscape Restoration at DPWM, also attracted carbon finance from the Danish firm Orsted Nature Based Solutions.
Speaking at the meeting, Founder and managing director, S2 Services based in Cameroon, Mr. Durando Ndongsok, who doubles as the facilitator during the meeting, said the project is based on mangrove because they want to stop mangrove destruction in The Gambia.
The objective of project, he added, seeks to strengthen conservation capacity of Protected Areas and other effective Area-based conservation measures; improve community livelihood and natural resources management, and enhance capacity building and institutional development among others.
According to him, ‘if the deforestation of mangroves stops, people can have carbon credit, which he added, means people are reducing emission reductions.
“If the entire county in the world emulates Gambia, the world will not face dramatic climate change. We will make a follow-up to make sure what we are doing is compliant with the people and we will make consultation to make sure everybody brings their concerns to the project development,” he assured.
Abubacarr Saidou Jallow, represented the Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources, while Mawdo Jallow, deputy director at DPWM represented the director, Department of Parks and Wildlife Management.