Dastgir Quazi Rumman, was speaking while delivering a statement at the launch of the Namie Foundation held recently.
The US diplomat expressed his impression with the founder of Namie Foundation, Alhassan Susso, whose objective to establish the foundations includes training educators and developing exchange programmes, among others.
"George Washington Carver, one of the greatest scientist and inventors of our time says education is the key to unlock gold of freedom."
Rumman, noted that recently US President, Joe Biden announced that The Gambia is eligible for a Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact.
He indicated that the Compact designers, The Gambia government and MCC head, have identified two significant constraints to economic growth which includes river transport and skills for the youth.
"This will be a substantial investment from the American people and one that is destined to change life."
He added:"Recently the US Department of Agriculture is implementing a US $28.5 million for educational food program. This programme will focus on child education and literacy especially in some regions."
The project, he added, would deliver school meals to fifty-seven thousand children and provide literacy programmes and teacher training.
Besides, the project would significantly impact the life of more than one hundred thousand Gambians including students, teachers and farmers.