This new scheme of service for teachers seeks to help in the categorisation of the schools from school ABCD and E based on the school enrollments.
Welcoming the gatheirng, Mamadou Wurry Bah, cluster monitor Bansang cluster, urged participants to take the sensitisation seriously, further advising school administrators to desist from inflating their school enrollments just to get promotion in the school classification.
He remided them of the consequences attached and that it is a criminal offence, adding that the school census is the one used to categorise the schools based on enrollment.
Lamin Sanneh HR focal point for RED 5 South, made a presentation on the backround details of the new scheme of service for teachers.
This new scheme of service, he added, would not only help in the categorisation of the schools, but it would also help create more vacancies.
Also speaking at the event, Mr Jallow, a cluster monitor for Chargel cluster, explained that this new scheme of service would help teachers a lot in terms of postings and correct placements in schools.
He further advised teachers to familiarise themselves with the important tools like the G.O and other relevant tools that govern their work.