#National News

TANGO trains members to reduce dependency on external expertise

Oct 19, 2023, 12:59 PM | Article By: Makutu Manneh

The Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (TANGO) recently convened a capacity building forum designed to arm members with the requisite knowledge to reduce dependency on external expertise.


The training held at TANGO conference hall, was funded by the Swedish Organization for Development FORUMCiv. The forum, basically revolves around proposal writing, monitoring and evaluation, policy research and development techniques for advocacy in order to reduce dependency on external expertise. The initiative, among others, also seeks to increase the impact of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in complementing governments efforts and response to emerging challenges in communities.

Ndey Sireng Bakuin, executive director of TANGO, underscored the importance of the event, reminding that resources are becoming scarce and their various communities need the services they provide more than ever.

“The importance of this training cannot be overemphasised because we need these capacities to be able to deliver services and have the impacts we want to see and also to reduce depending on external experts and carry out our services in the country”. She posited.

While expressing gratitude to their partners, Ndey Sireng equally implored participants to learn and examine what remains to be done at the policy and community levels to reach and include those left behind in the positive developments.

For her part, Yadicon Njie Eribo, chairperson of TANGO, revealed that they recognised the crucial roles played by NGOs and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in addressing societal challenges and promoting sustainable development.

“The association also understand that to effectively address those challenges we must constantly strive to improve our skills and knowledge. And this program aims to equip you with necessary tools and resources to effectively monitor and evaluate your projects ,conduct rigorous policy research, write persuasive proposals an develop impactful advocacy strategies.”she noted.

She expressed optimism that enhancing the capacity of its members in key areas would strengthen TANGO’s organizational capacity and ultima