Speaking at the graduation, Mamadi Cessay, principal of the school said the day’s ceremony is another milestone in the academic history of the school.
“We give glory and honour to Almighty Allah who has made all things possible for us to witness today. To seek knowledge is a sacred duty; it is obligatory on every Muslim said the Holy Prophet Muhammad [saw]. Therefore, we celebrate you today because you have persevered the sacred duty to seek knowledge”.
Ceesay indicated that the graduating students have chosen knowledge capable of shaping the future of their lives and that of their nation above everything else for the past three years.
He noted that therefore, it is worthy to celebrate them in such a grand style as in that evening.
Established in 1971 to provide quality knowledge and skills value in line with ever-increasing student demand, NSSS continues to provide a diversified curriculum, harmonised in a way to benefit its growing student population.
“Banking on the fact that the landmark of every visible institution is the production of positive outcomes, the school has over the years worked tirelessly to produce outstanding students morally and academically.”
Some of their brightest and most diligent students, he added, are graduating today.
“We feel delighted to be your teachers. Tomorrow, Nusrat will Inshallah clock fifty years. The school is today graduating over 783 students, 386 boys and 397 girls respectively. We are proud of your educational achievement indeed. Be proud of yourselves as well. However this is a journey in phases full of challenges.”
“Among the objectives of schooling is to prepare minds and hearts for the challenges and success of life. Let me once again remind you that when you entered Nusrat, you were giving moral, spiritual, physical and mental training to develop your capabilities and potential to face life.”
He commended the outgoing students and student leaders for their continuous support in the running of the school particularly the head boy and head girl and by extension to their parents.