These new graduands now add to the growing list of young Gambian entrepreneurs who underwent training in various disciplines, at the institution and are now contributing positively to the country’s development endeavor.
At the event, Moth Sarr widely known by his moniker -Njie Charakh, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Njie Charakh World Market, underscored the importance of the areas covered during their training, saying the training was geared towards ensuring that women and youth are empowered to be self-employed.
“It also aims to support the entrepreneurs to turn their smallest investment into major successes.”
Njie Charakh revealed that through his business, he also supports made in Gambia products.
“The business also gives loan investment to graduates to support made in Gambia products on a flexible repayment plan. We are giving funds to empower their businesses and when they make profits they refund us back.” he explained.
In that end, he revealed that a total of D3,848,020 was invested on students from the first to the fifth batch, saying the first batch got D1,200,000; second batch D900,000; third batch -D600,000, and fourth batch D650.000 and fifth batch a sum of D435,020.
From these deposits that are awarded to individual businesses, Njie Charakh World Market International made in Gambia total sales within five months is equals to D6,061,560.
Sarr thus calls on government, NGOs and other relevant stakeholders to join him in empowering young Gambians to reduce the skyrocketing unemployment rate.
“We need to collaborate and help one another in order to take the Gambia where we want to see it, as I can’t not do it alone. I have employed many Gambians who now own successful businesses and are now employing others. Therefore, support from the government will be appreciated to be able to expand this cause.”
To the newly graduands, Njie Charakh equally urged them to make best use of the knowledge gained during the training to ensure their businesses do not fail.
He highlighted that there is a way to sell to someone, adding that some with money will come to their business but do not want to buy.
“Someone without money will also come as well as someone with money who want to buy. You should be professional in dealing with each of them to ensure they do not leave your shop without buying something from you.” he advised.
Sheikh Tijan Cherry, School administrator, commended the graduating class for their courage and determination.
“I want to commend you for your courage and determination. As future leaders, you have a unique role to play in shaping the narrative of entrepreneurship. Break barriers, challenge norms, and continue to empower one another. Your contributions are vital to the economy and society as a whole.”
He made reference to the fact that success is not merely measured by financial gain, but by the positive impact one had on others.
In this vein, he challenged them to strive to be ethical in their business practises ánd contribute to the well-being of their respective communities. “Your journey has just begun, and the world is waiting for your brilliance.”
He stated topics covered during their training include basic business training and strategies or techniques, marketing and market strategies, business financial literacy and business planning, among others.
Kaddy D. Njie, one of the graduating students and member of the fifth batch, expressed gratitude to Njie Charakh for according them the opportunity to learn business at his institution.
“We are grateful to be equipped with skills on business and entrepreneurship to be able to be self-employed and contribute our quota to national development.”
She thus called the government to invest in entrepreneurs and partner with businesses like Njie World Market, who she said, are helping young Gambians elevate their status, thus reducing the country’s high unemployment rate.