#National News

NEA, partners poised to address global environmental challenges

Jul 17, 2024, 11:13 AM | Article By: Makutu Manneh

The Government of The Gambia through the National Environment Agency and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Pan African Agency for the Great Green World and the African Union Great Green recently jointly convened the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting designed to harness the great Green World for a Sustainable and Resilient Sahel.

The event, held at the Sir Dawuda Kairaba Jawara Conference Centre was designed to provide an overview of the project evolution, development and vision. It also seeks to presents the project's components, outcomes and inputs and the logical framework; activities undertaken and achievements per component.

Delegates also had the opportunity to discuss the valorisation of the key project deliverables and minor adjustments made during implementation and to provide an overview of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)and GGW programme and the way forward.

 Welcoming the gathering, Dawda Badjie, Executive Director of National Environment Agency, reminded that the planet that supports human existence is under serious climate and biodiversity threats, which all have negative impacts on health and quality of life.

He reiterated that environmental challenges facing the planet do not recognize boundaries, nor do they need any permission to enter another country globally.

The planet does not distinguish between the polluters and the recipients as both become victims, thus addressing global environmental challenges which is complex and requires a systemic approach and collective responsibility positively to meet those common objectives and to make the planet a better place for all to live and cherish.

Badjie thus implored on members of the initiative to collectively demonstrate commitments towards meeting the various constituencies obligations in the protection and preservation of the environment.

Rohey John Manjang, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources, underscored the significance of the initiative, saying that going by its objectives,The Gambia fits in the geographical zone as a Sahel country that has lots of potential in terms of forest land, biodiversity to contribute to the great initiative.

In view of the country’s healthy eco-systems, participating in such initiative she added, would contribute to achieving global environmental goals by combating desertification and promoting sustainable land management. That, she added, would also foster cross border cooperation to allow Gambia and neighbouring countries to tackle shared environmental challenges.

Minister John Manjang noted that despite the government’s efforts in the fight against environmental degradation, challenges of soil erosion and other impacts of climate change remains a crucial concern and efforts to address those challenges are crucial for the country’s development goal. 

For his part, Ibrahima Sow, GEF Africa Coordinator highlighted the importance of the initiative, acknowledging that resource mobilisation is very vital in terms of implementing resilient food security and eco-system.