The theme for the trade fair is “Sustainable Growth in Challenging Times: Supporting Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises, a Gambian perspective.” The National Tabaski Wanterr and Ram Fair will take place at GCCI Trade Fair Ground.
Abubacarr Jobe, business development manager for GYCC explained that during Wanterr periods people storm the main highways and going inside the markets becomes a challenge and therefore they came up with the initiative to bring all sellers together.
He added that the Wanterr Trade Fair is open to all Gambians in the business sector.
Malanding B. Jabang, secretary general for the Gambia Market Union said it is always a challenge to go into markets within the Kombos during feasts, adding that traffic is almost closed because of vendors occupying the road sides and therefore the initiative to allow business to flow in markets.
He appealed to authorities to support them in clearing the road sides, noting the business cannot be done on the road side.
According to him, this is the time businessmen and women will acquire loans to improve their businesses but people will cover from everywhere and surround the market thereby ensure no access to the markets.
He called on businessmen and women to secure stalls at the National Tabaski Wanterr and Ram Fair to ensure access to market and free flow of traffic.
Neneh Gulo Bah, senior vice president Gambia Youth Chamber of Commerce (GYCC) said GYCC has supported small businesses in the past through various approaches and partnership interventions.
Economic empowerment is a crucial development priority aligned with the National Development Policy and Plan as well as the National MSME Policy at the domestic level, she noted, adding that additionally it contributes to agenda 2063 and UN agenda 2030 at the international level.
She noted that the Trade Fair holds immense relevance, showing its impact on promoting development results, noting that it will bridge developmental gaps and create sustainable opportunities.
She went on to say that it will also improve trade and create market spaces for entrepreneurs as well as create a window for the introduction of new innovative business ideas and business initiative potentials for domestic duplication and expansion.
She highlighted that access to market is a pivotal tool in increasing economic activities in the country especially in reducing vulnerability, unemployment, dependency ratio and difficulties in product sourcing.
Baboucarr Jeng, secretary general of the Gam United Breeders Association (GUBA) said a common selling ground will help eliminate security challenges for both buyers and sellers. He added that they will install a vet stall for veterinarian to be on the ground and inspect any animal being sold to ensure it is healthy.
“We will not allow anyone to sell animals just for the sake of selling them but we will ensure they are healthy,” he assured the public.
Theresa S. Diarra, director of Operations and Membership at GCCI said the partnership underscores their commitment to fostering economic growth and development in The Gambia. She added that the initiative provides a unique platform for businesses to showcase their products and services, forge new partnerships and explore new innovative ideas.