The steering committee meeting is intended to support the country with its macroeconomic reforms and performance to accelerate progress toward agenda 2030.
Seedy K.M. Keita, the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs in his remarks at the event, said significant strives had been made in key areas such as transitional justice, macroeconomic reforms and performance, stabilisation of government finances, and youth employment.
He added that government is convinced that continued efforts are critical in sustaining the gains and consolidating the transitional reconciliation process, political stability, and inclusive-based growth to enhance poverty reduction.
The Finance Minister noted that such initiatives will have to be founded on solid policies to enhance institutional arrangements, improve human capital and development outcomesas well as resilience.
Feyi Boroffice, the World Bank Resident Representative, said through the fragility, conflict and violence envelope, theyprovide resources to low-income countries, adding that the TTA is one of the fragility, conflict and violence envelopes. The fragility, conflict and violence envelope supports countries emerging from either conflict, social or political crisis, and/or disengagement.
“Where we see a window of opportunity, we re-engage or intensify its re-engagement to support these countries to pursue major reforms, to accelerate the transition out of fragility and build resilience,” she stated.
On 3rd November 2021, the Government of The Gambia received the World Bank Management's approval to access the IDA19 Turn Around Allocation (TAA), allowing The Gambia to access a 125-percent top-up of its performance-based allocation of International Development Association resources.