The committee will oversee the nomination and election processes from the ground up, review the constitution, and facilitate constructive dialogue among stakeholders.
The committee comprises the following: Sanna Bah Director of the Department of Youth and Sports as Chairman, Executive Director of the National Youth Council, a representative from the Gambia Scout Association Executive, a representative from the Gambia Scout Association Council, the Gambia Scout Association Commissioner representative, Fatou Penn a Senior State Counsel as representative of the Ministry of Justice, Musa O. Mendy as representative of the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Eeducation and Albert Sylva as representative State Intelligence Service.
"The organisation has experienced a period of leadership wrangles due to conflicts of interest. This challenge has undoubtedly affected the association's ability to operate fully and effectively to serve the interests of our young people,” Minister Badjie said.
He noted that the Scout Association has long been recognised as a beacon of leadership, community engagement and personal development through non-formal education for young people in The Gambia.