According to a medical report issued by Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH), Alkali was involved in an RTA (24v passenger vehicle vs truck) accident in which 8 people died on the spot.
The report added that, he sustained bilateral traumatic laminctomy of C6 with cord compression. There was loss of sensory and motor function from T4 (nipple line) with loss of bowel and bladder control, the report also said.
The report added that laminectomy and fixation (C5-C7) was done. “On examination: Patient is lying in bed, not in any obvious distress; CNS: Alert and conscious; GCS=15/15; pupils equal and reactive to light; power: LUL=3/5, RUL=4/5, lower extremities= 0/5, loss of sensory and motor function from the nipple line (T4).”
“Local examination: Patient has multiple bed sores in the gluteal region, bedsores clean and without discharges.”
The report from the country’s main referral hospital therefore recommended that plastic surgery review of bedsore be done for further management.
Anyone willing to help Alkali can contact the following numbers: +220 2302391, +220 7346918 and/or +220 3735337.