#National News

IPC poised to foster gender equality in politics

Aug 5, 2024, 12:31 PM | Article By: Makutu Manneh

The Inter Party Committee(IPC) with funding from UNDP in its efforts to foster effective participation of Gambian women in politics, has recently established three regional branches of National Women Branch of inter party committee (WOBIPC).

The formation of the three branches, took place in URR, CRR and LRR. All the regional branches are expected to catalyse greater political engagement and leadership of women and every branch comprises 2 women representatives from registered political parties.

In his remarks, Samba Baldeh, Co-Chairperson of IPC, underscored the  importance of  women’s participation in  politics saying that women’s political participation is very crucial for sustenance of peace and development.

Mr Baldeh added that, looking at the political history of The Gambia, women have reduced  themselves as supporters to politicians despite forming the largest number of the electorates.

He explained that to change that  norm and culture, the Inter Party Committee embarked on such initiative into the regional levels to make women realise their potentials in politics and come forward take up the challenge by vying for leadership positions in politics.

“It is high time we have women as party leaders because the positions are not for men alone. Youth and women in the 21st century are more connected in terms of development.”

However, he said with all their potentials they are still underrepresented in the political structures both national and regional levels, as  revealed by history that women have  been marginalised in political arenas.

Haja Fatou Sillah, a participant, applauded IPC and UNDP for such initiative in empowering women. She  said the meeting has given them a better understanding of their position in politics and the development of the country.

She further urged for the  continuation of such initiatives to reduce their  underrepresentation and foster the participation of women in politics.

She urged Government to consider and empower women in all aspects saying that during political eras, women contribute a lot. However after politics, women are never considered thus she implored her fellow women to support each other, set aside their  political  differences and apply for more positions  as they are the strength of the country.

Fatou Jallow Women Co-chair of Inter Party Committee, elaborated on the objectives of WOBIPC in promoting peace and stability in the country and also empowering women.

She said the voices of women in rural areas should be heard in politics because  politics is not only limited in Kombo, that was why they deemed it necessary to empower  women in the  rural area to participate effectively in politics.

She urged them but put aside their political differences and work towards the effective participation of women in politics.

Fatima Sonko, UNDP's Program Analyst said the initiative marked  a significant milestone in their collective efforts to promote gender equality and enhance the participation of women in leadership and decision-making roles in The Gambia.

She explained that in The Gambia, women constitute a significant majority of the population, making up over half of the populace. However, despite the demographic strength, women's participation in leadership and decision-making roles has remained persistently low as evidenced by the April 2022 elections, which highlighted a critical gap that must be addressed to ensure a more inclusive and representative governance structure.

She further stated that the initiative is not just about increasing numbers; it is about transforming the political landscape to be more inclusive and representative by fostering a conducive environment and providing the necessary support structures,

“… we aim to pave the way for a more equitable political landscape in The Gambia, ultimately leading to increased female representation in elected offices.” she stated.