The main highlights of the meeting were the presentation and discussions of the Annual Activity and Financial reports, and voting on proposed motions around a range of issues including journalist welfare and constitutional amendments.
In his opening remarks, the President of the GPU, Muhammed S. Bah said the GPU has been at the forefront of championing press freedom in The Gambia, and the annual meeting serves as a platform for journalists to hold the leadership accountable and to discuss critical issues that affect their profession.
“In accordance with the GPU Constitution, it is essential to hold an annual general meeting to ensure accountability of the leadership and to stay informed about their actions regarding press freedom, journalist safety, welfare and other pertinent issues,” he stated.
Sam Sarr, the Managing Editor of Foroyaa, in a solidarity statement said that in the past, journalists faced significant challenges expressing themselves due to media restrictions. However, a change has occurred, and the media is now more open and offers greater freedom for journalists to express themselves.
“We have seen developments with our Union, thanks to recent changes, journalists now enjoy greater freedom to express themselves compared to the past. However, it is crucial for journalists to remain professional and continue building their capacity through available training,” he said. “The GPU has played a significant role in taking Gambian journalism to new heights, and it is important for members to hold their leadership accountable through the annual general meetings.”
Demba Ali Jawo, a former GPU President, said it is essential that journalists uphold their ethics in view of their role in forthcoming mayoral elections.
“During the upcoming mayoral elections, it is vital for journalists to report news in a professional manner without getting involved in political activities. As messengers to the public, journalists need to be cautious and responsible in their reporting,” he said.
The Activity and Financial reports of the GPU were adopted by the AGM. Eight of 13 motions were adopted including one with amendment, four were withdrawn and one motion was deferred for further research.
The next AGM will coincide with the triennial congress where a new Executive Board will be elected.
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