The announcement was made by the pair during a visit to the senior management of the hospital on Monday.
Erieka Bennet, the ambassador and head of mission for Diaspora African Forum (DAF) said her organisation is an African Union (AU) endorsed non-profit organisation. She added that it remains the first and only African Diaspora organisation in the world with diplomatic status enabling it to accomplish groundbreaking work in Diaspora advocacy at the highest levels of governments across Africa.
She said in their drive to supporting health care providers, they also deliver oxygen therapy.
She added that developing a strong and sustainable supply chain is critical to avoiding disruption in patients’ care.
Abdul Latif Balonta, the executive director of Diaspora Africa Forum (DAF) said they will work to encourage Africans in the Diaspora to come on board and support Africa health care system for the well-being of African people.
Dr. Ammar Al Jafari, the chief medical director at EFSTH thanked DAF and SCCM for their initative, adding that the oxygen project would improve the capacity of the hospital.
He described oxygen cylinders as very important in health care service delivery.
Dr. Al Jafari called on DAF and SCCM to work together in order to achieve their dream as far as health care service delivery is concerned.
Dr. Abubacarr Jagne, the deputy chief medical director at EFSTH said DAF and SCCM support to the hospital will go a long way in addressing issues affecting the country’s health care sector.
"We will closely work with you in order to achieve our dream of better healthcare service delivery and well-being of Gambians," he declared.